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Huey Jiuan Chong


I have been a full-stack web developer for 4 and a half years, leading development on multiple e-commerce websites and internal apps for an outdoor equipment manufacturer and retailer. Collaborating with a small team allows me to grow and experience different stages of software engineering process. I started on the frontend and have been given the opportunity to work on the backend, I look to improve my skill set on both in the future.
















Ruby on Rails














Azure DevOps

Adobe Photoshop/Illustrator

Work Portfolio

Sage → Node.js | Backbone.js | Underscore.js | Django

E-commerce website for my former employer who manufactures fly fishing rods and reels.

Sage → Cross selling feature

Selling a fly line from another brand when you add a rod to cart.

Sage → Perfect Setup feature

Curated setup - recommended bundles.

Google Analytics → Enhanced E-commerce

Configured Google Analytics to track E-commerce performance, track goals and SEO performance for several E-commerce sites

RIO → Node.js | Backbone.js | Underscore.js | Django

E-commerce website for my former employer who also manufactures fly lines.

RIO → New navigation

Due to complicated products, I recategorized RIO products and designed a new navigation.

RIO → New product filters

Improves product search and user experience.

RIO → New product detail page

Improves product impression and mobile responsiveness

Redington → Node.js | Backbone.js | Underscore.js | Django

E-commerce website for my former employer who also manufactures fly fishing rods and reels with a lower price line

Redington → New product filters

Improves product search and user experience.

Fun Side Projects

Focused To-Do → Javascript | React (Redux with Redux Toolkit) | HTML5 | CSS3 | Netlify

React: useState, useEffect.
Redux: Provider, useDispatch, useSelector,
Redux Toolkit: configureStore, createSlice, createAsyncThunk

I build an inspirational homepage. This application will interact with different APIs to display the current weather, a background image, and an inspirational quote. It will also provide users with a space to write down their goals for the day. You can think of this app as a fancy to-do list with dynamic data.

E-Commerce Storefront → Javascript | React (Redux with Redux Toolkit) | HTML5 | CSS3

This is an online store with search capability! The application should display products from the store and allow the user to add them to their cart. In the cart, the user can adjust the quantity of each item and the running total will be displayed at the bottom. Lastly, the user can choose the currency for the entire application.

Expense Tracker with Categories → Javascript | React (Redux with Redux Toolkit) | HTML5 | CSS3

This project—a budgeting and expense tracking app—allows me to practice refactoring with Redux Toolkit. The app allows you to set budgets for various categories, such as food and transportation, and track transactions in those categories. It then sums your spending in each category to calculate the amount of money that remains to be spent.

Data Visualization of Presidents on a TImeline Chart → Javascript | React | HTML5 | CSS3 | Netlify

Cool Timeline Chart using React and AmChartsJS. Data is stored in a remote web database. Database authorization and calls were done in JavaScript and React. AmCharts JS is integrated into project to generate a timeline chart using database columns and user defined preferences.

Pizza Order Storefront → Javascript | React | HTML5 | CSS3 | Testing

React: JSX, Hooks, Effects, Dev Tools, Custom Hooks, Handling User Inputs, Context, Portals, Error Boundaries, Uncontrolled Forms

This is a web app with features like pizza of the day promotion, online pizza order, checkout and past order page. Dipped into React 19 with form actions, use and Suspense. Testings with Vitest, Vitest UI, Custom Hooks, Snapshot Testing, Browser Tests. → Node.js | Express | Angular | MongoDB Link to Repo → Ruby | Ruby On Rails | MongoDB Link to Repo → Node.js | React Demo

There are three versions of this project - Ruby On Rails, Angular, React

Create surveys using Markdown. Markdowns are converted using certain sets of rules and then stored as documents in a MongoDB. Survey owners receive public link to share their survey and have the admin control: to edit, close the survey or view results → Node.js | Express | Facebook API | Passport

An app that lets veterinary professionals share medical cases and knowledge

DrinkMate → Ruby on Rails | Absolut API

Search for drink recipes and videos

Jungle → Javascript | HTML5 | CSS3

A traditional Chinese board game that resembles checkers

Hikeathon → AngularJS | Node.js | Express

One day mini hackathon. An app for hikers to look for trails

My Resume

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